Hours Giant Tiger - Port Hawkesbury, NS
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Giant Tiger can be found in a convenient location at 47 Paint Street, within the south-east section of Port Hawkesbury (not far from Tamarac Education Centre and Port Hawkesbury Mall). If you would like to drop by today (Tuesday), its business times are 8:00 am until 7:00 pm. This page includes specifics on Giant Tiger Port Hawkesbury, NS, including the hours of operation, store address details and contact number.
You will find Giant Tiger not far from the intersection of Paint Street, Reeves Street and Tamarac Drive, in Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia.
Simply a 1 minute drive time from Hemlock Drive, Macintosh Avenue, Pinecrest Drive and Macinnis Road; a 5 minute drive from Highway 104, Unity Drive and Brandy Wine Court; and a 8 minute trip from Queen Street or Michelle's Place.
For GPS systems the address for this location is 47 Paint Street, Port Hawkesbury, NS B9A 3J9.
Giant Tiger has 1 location in Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia.
Access this page for the entire list of all Giant Tiger branches near Port Hawkesbury.